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You can reach out to our Award-winning Global Support Centre (GSC) which operates in 12 languages from 14 global hubs. The GSC team consists of highly trained specialists who speak your language and work in your time zone.

GSC’s operating hours are from Monday to Friday, 12:00 pm to 06:00 am (UTC+08:00, Hong Kong Standard Time), and on Saturdays from 12:00 am to 6:00 am.

You may reach the QNET GSC at the following details:

Global (All Languages)

You may also submit your repair request via the GSC’s online contact form on the GSC Smart Hub.

International Toll-Free Numbers

  • Hong Kong: 800 906 622
  • India: 000 800 050 1417
  • India Hotline*: +91 8880632532
  • Indonesia: 0080349248340566
  • Malaysia: 1 800 819 772
  • Philippines: 1 800 1 312 0051
  • Singapore: 800 852 8383
  • Thailand: 1 800 019 587
  • USA: 888 735 0751
  • UAE: 800 0120 073

*All calls are free-of-charge when made from within the stated country, with the exception of the India Hotline, which is charged at local call rates (international call rates apply for calls made from outside the India Hotline).

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